There's an incredible link between being fueled and fed, and emotional wellbeing. This stems from early on in life, as infants, when we're soothed and comforted by feeding. We're programmed from an early age that food equates to love, calmness, safety, and security.
Conforming to highly restrictive diets that promote deprivation can easily sabotage our emotional wellbeing
How can we create a lifestyle that will give us both emotional wellbeing as well as healthy eating habits and good nutrition?
Our Find Body Freedom Founder, Ilene Leshinsky, was featured with Change Your Attitude...Change Your Life on Sunday, March 13, 10 pm ET on NY's AM970 The Answer and streaming on the AM970 app and iHeartRadio! Ilene spoke with Joan Herman about how dieting can lead to emotional eating.
Listen to the episode now!
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